Composite Tiles

COMPOSITE Surfaces made of RECYCLED materials

Fribel International Group

Fribel has developed a Composite Tile manufacturing process with a natural beauty. Our new collection of Composite stone mixes stone aggregates, recycled glass, natural fragments of mother of pearl and quartz with 10-12% custom pigmented resin. Where possible, our products use up to 90% recycled aggregates. For our friends and loyal customers, we have come up with a creative and eclectic pallet of new shades. They range from light to dark and rich in emotions. Some colors are linked to the mineral or vegetal elements of nature while others are inspired by the opulence of pigments found in Renaissance frescos. All evoke a delicate and sophisticated sensuality. We hope that you experience of the Composite color pallet will transport you either consciously of subliminally to a connection with nature, a happy state of mind or to another era in time.

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